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ROS 2 Basics

ROS Versions and Installation

ROS 2, the latest release of ROS, is a set of software libraries and tools (middleware) that help in the development of robotic applications. By definition, middleware is software that connects software components. It is a layer that sits between the operating system and applications on both sides of a distributed computer network. ROS 2 uses permissive, open-source Apache 2.0 licensing.

Image title
ROS 2 Overview

Since its release in 2007, ROS has undergone incremental updates, meaning no fundamental changes but continuous major improvements. In 2017, the robotics community realized that the original 2007 concept had fundamental limitations that could not be fixed incrementally. Thus, Noetic Ninjemis (supported until 2025) is the last release of ROS 1, and ROS 2 was developed in parallel. This also means that previous source codes are harder to port to the new version, but in return, we get many new features, improvements, and support for developing robots and vehicles.

As a result, ROS 2 has transitioned from the world of academic research to industrial use. Interestingly, NASA's VIPER lunar rover also runs ROS 2. Additionally, automotive giants like Bosch, BMW, and Volvo use it. Many other robotics companies also use it. Links:,, ROS users worldwide:

ROS 2 in space

Image source: Robot Operating System 2: Design, Architecture, and Uses In The Wild: Steve Macenski et al.

Why Use a Framework for My Robotics Project?

For our first robotics project, we might choose to develop entirely on our own without a framework. This has its advantages (learning, execution speed, etc.). But soon, we will need an algorithm that others have implemented, but it is not compatible with the original concept. At this point, it is worth considering using a framework (e.g., ROS 2). Note that ROS 2 is not the only option; there are many similar, smaller frameworks: Player, YARP, Orocos, CARMEN, Orca, MOOS, and Microsoft Robotics Studio. Each has its advantages, but in this course, we focus on ROS 2 due to its support.

Image source:

  • Plumbing: ROS primarily provides a messaging system, often referred to as "middleware" or "plumbing". Communication is one of the first needs that arise when implementing a new robotics application or any software system that connects to hardware. ROS's built-in and well-tested messaging system saves time by handling communication details between decentralized nodes, so you don't have to implement it separately. Moreover, intra-process communication allows direct memory access on a single machine.
  • Tools: Effective application development requires good development tools. ROS has such tools, including debugging (rqt_console), visualization (Rviz2, Foxglove Studio), plotting (rqt_plot, Foxglove Studio), logging (mcap), and playback.
  • Capabilities: Whether it's a GPS device driver, walking and balance controller for a quadruped robot, or a mapping system for a mobile robot, ROS has solutions. From drivers to algorithms to user interfaces, ROS provides the building blocks that allow you to focus on your application.
  • Community: ROS is backed by a large, global, and diverse community. From students and hobbyists to multinational corporations and government agencies, people and organizations from all segments drive the ROS 2 project. This is important because many questions will arise during development. Most of these have already been answered by the community, and they are happy to answer new questions.

The following diagram illustrates the nodes (programs) and topics (~communication) of a simple line-following robot:

graph TD;

    camd([/cam_driver]):::red --> im1[ /image1<br/>sensor_msgs/Image]:::light
    im1 --> li1([ /line_detect_node]):::red
    im1 --> st1([ /stop_detect_node]):::red
    li1 --> li2[ /line<br/>example_msgs/Line]:::light
    st1 --> st2[ /stop<br/>example_msgs/Stop]:::light
    li2 --> nav([ /line_detect_node]):::red
    st2 --> nav
    nav --> cmd[ /cmd_vel<br/>geometry_msgs/Twist]:::light
    cmd --> control([ /robot_control]):::red
    n1([ /node]):::white -- publishes --> t[ /topic<br/>msg_type]:::white
    t -- subscribes --> n2([ /node]):::white
    classDef light fill:#34aec5,stroke:#152742,stroke-width:2px,color:#152742  
    classDef dark fill:#152742,stroke:#34aec5,stroke-width:2px,color:#34aec5
    classDef white fill:#ffffff,stroke:#152742,stroke-width:2px,color:#152742
    classDef red fill:#ef4638,stroke:#152742,stroke-width:2px,color:#fff
Source: Bestmann, Marc & Fakultät, Min & Zhang, Jianwei & Hendrich, N.. (2017). Towards Using ROS in the RoboCup Humanoid Soccer League. Masterthesis

Let's look at another example that creates maps from speed data, IMU, and distance data.

graph LR;

    odom[ /odom<br/>nav_msgs/Odometry]:::light --> slam([ /slam_node]):::red
    speed[ /speed<br/>geometry_msgs/Twist]:::light --> slam
    imu[ /imu<br/>sensor_msgs/Imu]:::light --> slam
    scan[ /scan<br/>sensor_msgs/PointCloud2]:::light --> slam
    n1([ /node]):::white -- publishes --> t[ /topic<br/>msg_type]:::white
    slam --> pose[ /global_pose<br/>geometry_msgs/Pose]:::light
    slam --> map_g[ /map_grid<br/>nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid]:::light
    slam --> map_p[ /map_points<br/>sensor_msgs/PointCloud2]:::light
    t -- subscribes --> n2([ /node]):::white
    classDef light fill:#34aec5,stroke:#152742,stroke-width:2px,color:#152742  
    classDef dark fill:#152742,stroke:#34aec5,stroke-width:2px,color:#34aec5
    classDef white fill:#ffffff,stroke:#152742,stroke-width:2px,color:#152742
    classDef red fill:#ef4638,stroke:#152742,stroke-width:2px,color:#fff

ROS 2 Directory Structure

~/ros2_ws$ ls

build  install  log  src
graph TD;

    W1{{ Workspace</br>pl. ros2_ws }}:::light --> S1{{ Source space</br>src }}:::white
    W1 --> B1{{ Build space</br>build }}:::white
    W1 --> I1{{ Install space</br>install }}:::white
    W1 --> L1{{ Log space</br>log }}:::white
    S1 --> P1{{ package1 }}:::white
    S1 --> P2{{ package2 }}:::white
    S1 --> P3{{ bundle_packages }}:::white
    P1 --> LA1{{ launch }}:::white
    P1 --> SR1{{ src }}:::white
    P2 --> LA2{{ launch }}:::white
    P2 --> SR2{{ src }}:::white

    classDef light fill:#34aec5,stroke:#152742,stroke-width:2px,color:#152742  
    classDef dark fill:#152742,stroke:#34aec5,stroke-width:2px,color:#34aec5
    classDef white fill:#ffffff,stroke:#152742,stroke-width:2px,color:#152742
    classDef red fill:#ef4638,stroke:#152742,stroke-width:2px,color:#fff
graph TD;

    W2{{ other_ws }}:::light --> S2{{ src }}:::white
    W2 --> B2{{ build }}:::white
    W2 --> I2{{ install }}:::white
    W2 --> L2{{ log }}:::white

    classDef light fill:#34aec5,stroke:#152742,stroke-width:2px,color:#152742  
    classDef dark fill:#152742,stroke:#34aec5,stroke-width:2px,color:#34aec5
    classDef white fill:#ffffff,stroke:#152742,stroke-width:2px,color:#152742
    classDef red fill:#ef4638,stroke:#152742,stroke-width:2px,color:#fff
    ├── bundle_packages 
       ├── cone_detection_lidar
          ├── launch
          └── src
       ├── my_vehicle_bringup
          └── launch
       ├── other bundle package1
       ├── other bundle package2
       └── img
    └── wayp_plan_tools
        ├── csv
        ├── launch
        └── src

Differences between ROS 1 and ROS 2

  • Changes in Middleware
    ROS 1 uses a Master-Slave architecture and XML-RPC middleware. In contrast, ROS 2 uses the Data Distribution Service (DDS), which provides greater efficiency and reliability, low latency, scalability, and configurable Quality of Service (QoS) parameters. Among other things, this means there is no need to start roscore. XML-RPC is better for simple remote procedure calls, while the added complexity of DDS allows it to better support real-time systems.
  • Changes in the ROS API
    ROS 1 has two separate libraries: roscpp for C++ and rospy for Python. These are not entirely identical in terms of functionality. In contrast, ROS 2 has a core library written in C - rcl (ROS client library) - on which other libraries are built. This ensures that core functionalities are available sooner across different APIs. This is one of the main reasons why ROS 2 can provide support for more languages beyond the previous Python and C++: for example, rclada Ada, rclcpp C++, rclgo Go, rclpy Python, rcljava Java, rclnodejs Node.js, rclobjc Objective C (iOS), rclc C, ros2_rust Rust, ros2_dotnet .NET, ros2cs ros2_dotnet alternative in C#.

  • Changes in Data Format
    ROS 2 uses the MCAP format, which is not specifically ROS's own format but an open-source container file format for multimodal log data. It supports timestamped, pre-ordered data and is ideal for use in pub/sub or robotics applications. More information:

Some Useful Innovations

  • Real-Time Processing
    The summary of the above features, along with the use of DDS, makes ROS 2 highly suitable for real-time processing, especially when deterministic, low-latency communication is required.
  • QoS: Quality of Service ROS 2 allows the configuration of data flow, which affects how data is sent and received. This includes settings for message reliability, deadlines, and priorities, ensuring that critical messages are delivered on time.
  • Multithreaded Execution
    ROS 2 supports truly parallel execution of multiple nodes, making much better use of modern multi-core processors compared to ROS 1.

overview Source:

Other Changes

  • Catkin has been replaced by Ament (Colcon) as the build system. Overlays allow the creation of a secondary workspace that does not affect the primary workspace - this is useful when experimenting with new packages without affecting the base configuration (called "underlay").
  • ROS 2 is not backward compatible with ROS 1. Consequently, ROS 1 packages are unlikely to work with ROS 2 and would require reworking, and other software you used with ROS 1 will no longer work.
  • ROS 1 was primarily designed for Ubuntu. ROS 2 runs on MacOS, Windows, Ubuntu, and other (even Real-Time) operating systems.


ROS versions and installation

    dateFormat  YY-MM
    title       ROS 2 Distros
    excludes    weekends
    tickInterval 365days
    %% (`excludes` accepts specific dates in YYYY-MM-DD format, days of the week ("sunday") or "weekends", but not the word "weekdays".)
    axisFormat %y

    section ROS 2
    Jazzy   :active, r012, 2024-05-23, 5y
    .       :active, r011, 2021-01-01, 0d %% placeholder
    Iron    :active, r010, 2023-11-01, 188d
    .       :active, r011, 2021-01-01, 0d %% placeholder
    Humble  :active, r009, 2022-05-23, 5y
    .       :active, r011, 2021-01-01, 0d %% placeholder
    Galactic:active, r008, 2021-05-23, 1y

Alt text

Percentage distribution of distros over time:

Static Badge

The Humble Hawksbill or simply Humble is a long term support (LTS) release, supported for 5 years (from May 2022 to May 2027).

Additional releases:
