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Windows Installation (C100)

Shared Drive (K:\)

The shared drive can be found as the K:\ drive in Windows File Explorer. If it is not visible, it can also be accessed in File Explorer:



Files related to the course can be accessed at the following address: \\\C100\kozos\GKNB_AUTM078_Autonóm_robotok_és_járművek_programozása címen érhetőek el.

WSL and Shared Drive

The shared drive should also be accessible from WSL at the /mnt/kozos mount point. Test the access with the cd /mnt/kozos command. If you receive the -bash: cd: /mnt/kozos: No such file or directory message, create it using mkdir. If ls /mnt/kozos does not list files, it is not mounted.

If the shared drive does not work, these commands might help:

sudo mkdir /mnt/kozos
echo "\\\\\\\\\C100\kozos\GKNB_AUTM078_Autonomous_robots_and_vehicles_software_engineering    /mnt/kozos    drvfs defaults,uid=1000,gid=1000    0    0" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab
Then run wsl --shutdown from Windows cmd.

WSL in File Explorer

The files of Ubuntu 22.04 are also accessible from Windows File Explorer. On the left side, you will see a WSL or Linux label. The ~ is accessible within the /home/ folder, including the ros2_ws.


VS code

VS Code WSL Access

vs code WSL

Useful VS Code Extensions

vs code extensions

Windows terminal

A portable version is available on the shared drive. Copy it to C:\temp to use the program.

win terminal

The following figure shows a recommended (not mandatory) computer lab layout, with the terminal on the left and the browser on the right:

win layout


It is installed and can be launched with the icon on the desktop. If it is not installed, copy the portable version from the shared drive to C:\temp.


Quick Check of Computer Lab Settings

!!! success "Check" Run the following commands in the computer lab terminal: sh cd /mnt/kozos/script/ ./ ```