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Introduction Practice

During the practice, we will get to know the characteristic properties of autonomous vehicles and the characteristics of the recorded data.

Foxglove Studio

As an introduction, let's look at the characteristic data of an autonomous vehicle. As an example, it is advisable to examine the data recorded with one of the university's vehicles. We will use Foxglove Studio, as it is available without installation or as a ~150MB installable file, and it can visualize the data that is important to us. The examined data will show a similar picture:

foxglove_a foxglove_a

In class, download the visualized rosbag .bag / .mcap file and the Foxglove Studio layout from the K:\ drive (\\\C100\kozos\GKNB_AUTM078_Autonomous_robots_and_vehicles_programming), or at home using the green button:

Download MCAP 553 MB Download Layout

cd /mnt/c/temp
mkdir /mnt/c/temp # if it doesn't exist
rsync -avzh --progress /mnt/kozos/measurement_files/lexus3-2024-04-05-gyor.mcap /mnt/c/temp/
rsync -avzh --progress /mnt/kozos/measurement_files/lexus01foxglove.json /mnt/c/temp/
!!! tip Additional example data can be downloaded from the page. `

Introduction to Foxglove

While the .mcap is downloading, let's briefly introduce the Foxglove Studio program. Foxglove Studio is an open-source tool for visualizing and debugging robotics data. Specifically, it was open-source up to v1.87.0, and from v2.0.0 it is free to use but closed-source. It is available in several ways:

  • as a standalone desktop application
  • accessible in a browser
  • self-hosted on your own domain

Native robotics tools (such as parts of the ROS ecosystem) are generally only supported on Linux systems, but the Studio desktop application works on Linux, Windows, and macOS. Even if the ROS stack runs on another operating system, the Studio can communicate with the robot seamlessly.

The Studio offers rich visual elements and debugging panels - from interactive charts, 3D visual elements, camera images, and diagnostic data streams. Whether it's real-time robot tracking or debugging in a .bag / .mcap file, these panels help solve various common robotics tasks.

These panels can then be configured and assembled into custom layouts to suit the unique needs and workflows of the project.

Description of the University's Nissan Measurement Data

In the ROS system (but also in other similar robotics solutions), individual data are published in topics. A topic can be, for example, the output of a sensor, the input of a controller, a visualization marker, etc. Topics have types, there are many predefined types, but we can create our own if these are not enough. For example, a few predefined types:

As you can see, the types fall into different categories, such as std_msgs, diagnostic_msgs, geometry_msgs, nav_msgs, sensor_msgs, etc. Let's see what types of messages are found in the downloaded file:

Topic Type Hz Sensor
/gps/duro/current_pose geometry_msgs/PoseStamped 10 Duro GPS (UTM)
/gps/duro/imu sensor_msgs/Imu 200 Duro GPS
/gps/duro/mag sensor_msgs/MagneticField 25 Duro GPS
/gps/nova/current_pose geometry_msgs/PoseStamped 20 Novatel GPS (UTM)
/gps/nova/imu sensor_msgs/Imu 200 Novatel GPS
/left_os1/os1_cloud_node/imu sensor_msgs/Imu 100 Ouster LIDAR
/left_os1/os1_cloud_node/points sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 20 Ouster LIDAR
/right_os1/os1_cloud_node/imu sensor_msgs/Imu 100 Ouster LIDAR
/right_os1/os1_cloud_node/points sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 20 Ouster LIDAR
/velodyne_left/velodyne_points sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 20 Velodyne LIDAR
/velodyne_right/velodyne_points sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 20 Velodyne LIDAR
/cloud sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 25 SICK LIDAR
/scan sensor_msgs/LaserScan 25 SICK LIDAR
/zed_node/left/camera_info sensor_msgs/CameraInfo 30 ZED camera
/zed_node/left/image_rect_color/compressed sensor_msgs/Image 20 ZED camera
/vehicle_status autoware_msgs/VehicleStatus 100 CAN data
/ctrl_cmd autoware_msgs/ControlCommandStamped 20 Reference speed and steering angle
/current_pose geometry_msgs/PoseStamped 20 Current GPS
/tf tf2_msgs/TFMessage 500+ Transform